Thursday, September 20, 2007

oh, life...

i can't even describe this thing called "my life" right now. there are no words -heck, thoughts to be put to words- at this point. now, before you think i've gone and got all emo with myself, let me explain. i feel like i haven't had time to think over the last...i don't even know how long. life has been just one big blur.
bbbbbbbbbbbllllllllllllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. there you have it. one of those.
yikes, i hate when i get to this point of no return. well, i hope it's not that drastic. yes, yes there is hope. i know, this comment seems kind of out of place, but if you only knew how significant this revelation has been to me...yes, i DO have hope! amen.
on a seemingly random tangent (but aren't they all, this post?), i am reading 4 book thingys (plus other random devotional things) at one time, something i promised myself i would never do. i hope this feat stretches me as a person or something like that. and they are...[drumroll please]: effective prayer (R.C. Sproul), the hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien), the Banner, and breaking free (my 1/2 hour a day for 5 days of the week Bible study book that i am already behind in because of extenuating circumstances, by the one and only Beth Moore). yes, a huge feat. i wonder if/when i'll ever get them finished...
sorry (in my very Canadian way) for the randomness of this post. but, i think i am almost due for one of these crazy/deep/random writings. it's been awhile since i've leaked my straight up peculiar self onto the screen...
and i WILL get on to putting those pictures on here. they are on my camera, just itching to be put onto a computer and posted for your viewing pleasure. but right here, right now, i just can't be bothered to do it. that, and i kind of like keeping you -the few, as i have lovingly dubbed you-in suspense. but not for long, seeing as some of you just might jump onto a plane (assuming that you're my mom or another person that lives in NS) and hold my life ransom until your queries are subdued.
until then...
chow for now.


Unknown said...

i hope to be jumping on that plane at the beginning of may..

Anonymous said...

Reba, that was the most random blog I have ever read!
