this moment is one of waiting.
waiting at the office for Jessa and Hillary, because Jessa forgot me here in her flurry of banking and needing to meet Hill at Superstore. i was supposed to be picked up somewhere in that mix of activity...
waiting for my new laptop (which is, for the moment, dubbed vanilla bean...i know, cheesy) to arrive. right now it's stuck in the "USA Ground Line Haul," whatever that means. it has been "there" (wherever "there" is) for over a week now, and i just want it to come. in some ways, i've been waiting 3 years for it, ever since my parents gave me money towards a computer when i graduated high school. *sigh* i know it's only an earthly treasure, but still...
waiting a couple more weeks to go back to the other side of Canada to be with my family, some who i haven't seen in over a year or more. some who i've never even met. i'm so excited to just be with those people.
waiting for much more. to know what i'm supposed to do in the next few years. for Mr. Right ("true love waits," right?). for life to happen, when i know it already is happening as i wait.
waiting. i'm not even sure if waiting is always a good thing. shouldn't i just carry on as usual? but some things need to be waited for. can i wait and still actively pursue life at the same time? heck, i'll give it a try. at least, i think that's what i've been up to lately.
waiting, oh waiting. maybe God is trying to teach me some patience through these things...