Saturday, February 07, 2009

an afternoon with Soph and Ella.

(when i asked her to pose cutely, Sophia went and grabbed her doll
and then had her doll hold a baby...)

it has been another joyous day!
i had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with the little Pallister ladies, and we were blessed with another sunny Vancouver day.
i think one of my favorite parts of the day was when, at lunch, Sophia all of a sudden got really serious. then she piped up and exclaimed, "Reba, i have something to tell you! God just gave me a message. He wants me to tell you that He loves you...and He loves me too!" isn't that the best? i felt so blessed to be reminded of this by such an insightful 4 year old.

what a nice sister shot! this is actually Eleanor's attempt at a smile and not a grimace...
no, i do not eat children. this was an attempt at re-enacting funny pictures that Sophia and i took together when i first moved here and was babysitting her once.
and then Eleanor attacked me. oh, we had fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're cute, and I love you.

Let's talk soon shall we?