Friday, September 18, 2009

settling in...

wow. i can't believe that it's already been only 3+ weeks since i packed up my earthly belongings and headed east to Grand Rapids. in some ways, it feels like a lifetime ago. and yet, i know the adventure has just begun. in so many ways.

these days, life consists mostly of school and the work that goes along with all that jazz. and it's good and meaningful. oh, i love learning and the classes i'm in this semester! the discussions and the opening of my eyes to so much truth is refreshing. however, i'm trying to make intentional decisions and realizations that life should also contain the balance of meaningful relationships and other life giving things. like sending mail. keeping in touch across the many miles. doing my devotions. knitting. biking, just for the sake of biking. playing with the cousins and spending time with my family here. listening to someone, even when i'm urgent to get that next assignment out of the way.

so, i've been making some friends here. a couple at the church i'm hoping to attend consistently. some at Kuyper. and even finding friends in family. and it's good. i know i'm blessed. God is so faithful.

so, this is where i sit today. knowing that i'm where i should be, even if my heart and body sometimes long to be elsewhere. and thankful that i can see the blessings from where i sit today, knowing that i may need to be reminded tomorrow of God's hand in this.


Stu Bish said...

we miss you out here Reba. Great to hear you're doing good.

Love ya sis.

jennyc said...

Love this pic. Its beautiful.
Enjoy the life-giving things, R. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading your blog. Miss you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!