Tuesday, May 15, 2007

April/May in pictures...

i'm sorry it has taken me so long to get something new up on here. who knew that my life would be so busy? but when i really think of it, i was just on a fantastic promo tour, i did have a much-needed family visit, i did just make a hectic/emotional move into a new home, and all that goes into all of this during this time, so i do deserve a little grace. that and i have had limited internet access. i know, excuses, excuses. but, i hope you take my apology and these pictures as good enough for now...
(these are of the promotional trip to Oregon from April 12-26:
1. girl pic
2. close up at Multnomah Falls
3. Jessa's 21st birthday and the appropiate party hats to celebrate such a function
4. much-needed quiet time at YWAM Salem
5. downtown Portland)

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