Tuesday, July 17, 2007

promised pictures...

i always find it difficult to pick the 5 magic pictures to post, that will accurately represent my life, or at least how i perceive it. i have so many that i wish to share with the world, and i guess that i could post more -all of them if i'd like- but i don't wish that upon anyone, unless they are my family, who i force at spoon point to view my cds upon cds of photographs. it's true. just ask them.
that said, i hope you enjoy the ones i have chosen to share. may they be a well-rounded representation of it all...

the legendary Shubenacadie Canada Day Parade with copius amount of rescue vehicles...where do they all come from?!?!

a much-needed break in the hotel pool from our long traveling day produced this fine photo op...

and then i had 4 beautiful sisters...

...but i have been aching especially for this one

yet, this is what i come back to. Vancouver. Commercial Drive. this picture is from the Commercial Drive Car Free festival that happened about a month ago. they blocked off a whole bunch of streets so that eating, dancing, and general laughter and community building events would ensue. and they are doing it again this weekend. days like these make it ok to be in Vancouver away from the safe comfort of friends and family. thank you, God for calling me here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you God for calling me to Vancouver so I can be friends with Reba!!

I like your pics. my fav is the one of you and your family in the pool!

Love you Reba,