Sunday, November 30, 2008

end of November=December=Christmas and more...

wow...November 2008 ends in less than an hour.
where have the first 11 months of this year gone? only one more to go? this is lunacy! i am becoming more and more of an avid supporter of my stance that time speeds up as i grow older. the years go by faster as i age, i'm sure.
and as i head into December, my day planner has filled up faster than a plate is filled by a glutton at a buffet. i am thoroughly convinced that the world believes that the whole month of December equals Christmas. and maybe my schedule betrays the fact that i too am succumbing to this idea...
but, i'm not here today to write about how we have taken the "Christ" out of "Christmas" or whatever. maybe some other time. i'm actually not quite sure with what purpose i came to write today. maybe i just wanted to tame my mind by putting some of the thoughts that are bouncing around down...maybe i just wanted to be heard, as i sit alone in a house with 3 sleeping childfolk... maybe i wanted to document the fact that i do actually think and have thoughts as evidence for the times when it appears that i seldom do...
i wish i could really capture all that has happened/ is happening in my life. so many emotions and thoughts and joys and fears. new perspectives and now i'm just trying to figure out how to live and breathe through them. but how do i take the first step when i feel limited by myself and my circumstances? how do i live abundantly when i have boundaries in the areas i want to grow in? do i just try to grow around them?
what are the answers to my life?
bueller? bueller?
i think i may have some of the answers to these questions or at least know where i can find them. thanks for hearing me ramble on.
and don't think that this will be the end of it...

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