Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i want to write but i don't know what...

life. it's crazy (i always say this, don't i? i need to find more words...) and beautiful at the same time.

this week in DTS land, we're learning about justice and what it looks like in the world today. it's so scary, yet exciting. i mean, it's great to hear stories of how others are reconciling the world to truth, but where do i fit in? i know that God calls me to be a bringer of justice, but how can i if i'm struggling with even having a heart for it, for others?
our speaker said something interesting today:
we love out of our own needs. we love because we need love.
this is so true. i don't know if i would care so much about people if i knew they couldn't or wouldn't love me back...
i'm not really sure how to proceed from this thought, so i'm going to leave it here for now...

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