Wednesday, September 13, 2006

a crazy little thing called "life"

a friend just asked me how my life is. i replied, "Good. I'm enjoying it."
and i meant it.
i enjoy seeing new people at work. especially Asian ones (warm smile on my face as i remember way back, when i was in China...), a rare commodity in NS. work is fulfilling, and the time passes quickly. it is good to be home, too. it is relaxing, and i enjoy spending time with my family, time that i value now and i may not get to appreciate later. it is also so great to be a serving member in the church that has nurtered, encouraged, and supported me since the day i was born. i feel so content.
ok, so about a month ago, i didn't think that i'd be truthfully saying this at this point in my life. August 7 was the sad day that i decided not to go back to Vancouver right away to staff YWAM as was previously planned, the day that i admitted to myself that i knew that i needed to be home for a period of time, a place that i so desperately wanted to get away from for no other reason than i wanted to be adventurous and daring and didn't want my "wings to be clipped" by staying home. i had just gotten back from Winnipeg, Vancouver, and China, and i wanted to continue going wherever the wind would take me! literally. and, for some strange reason, i have always had this perception that certain young people who stick around Shubie and who don't go to school but decide to just "settle" for a seemingly boring job are going "nowhere" in life. oh how my perspective changed when i became one of these people! but, i also realized how judgmental and close-minded this view is. just because i didn't feel it to be right for my life at most points, it doesn't mean that it's not more than a great idea for others! how humbling...
yeah, and it's funny/ironic that i am feeling so content thus far in a place that i never dreamed i would be. i guess this goes to show that God really does know what He's talking about. like i had any doubts...but i did.
and now, trying to look forward to the future, what's next? i know i need to be here right now, not living in the future. a close friend once told me of her wise father's motto:"wherever you are, there you'll be." so deeply true. but i also don't want to put off thinking about what's next. where is God leading me? is it back to Vancouver? why do i want to go back? is it because of a genuine feeling of being called to the people and ministry there? is it just because i love Vancouver and the people at the base? is this enough? so many questions and too few answers...all that i know is that if i go back, it's going to be because i know that's where God wants me. and i won't go if it's not in His plan. no matter how much i may think i want to.
so, where does this leave me? i need to be faithful in prayer and seeking God out. i need to be listening to His leading, no matter how much my sinful nature denies it's presence. i need help. i can't do it alone...thankfully, my God is so faithful! more faithful than i will or ever can dream to be. i wrote once that i couldn't lose Him even if i wanted to. so true...


Anonymous said...

Hey Bec!!

I am so glad to hear you say all this!!! I grinned ear to ear when I read this, because I am so happy to hear that you are content in Shubie. I was wondering how it was all going, and I should have known that you and God would get it all sorted out!

I know I've told you this a million times, and I still don't have an answer - I have no idea what I want to do for a career. I had a moment this morning where I was like, you know what God? Just take it. Point me in the right direction and give me a nudge and I will do it! Then the rest of the day, I was like.. I LOVE university! I'm ridiculously busy and loving every moment of it! I guess that's what we need to do, hey? Live in the moment, and trust the future to God (all the while keeping your head up and being aware of opportunities he may plant in our way!).

Can't wait to talk to you!


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with livin' in Shubie! Shubie- WHAT?!! Although it may seem like you need to get out, there is alot to love about being here. Life is more relaxing, you are surrounded by so much love and support,you have a great church, and you especially have me!! What more could you want? But seriously, God will show you the way, even though the answer isnt always right there in front of you (which would be nice!)I know what you are going through Bec and i know He will show us the way!
Much Love