hmmm...i was just sitting here, really wanting to write a new post, yet not knowing what i have to say. and i'm feeling a tad bit munchy, but that's beside the point.
alot has
happened over these last few weeks. i'm actually still processing through some of it. none of it is super life changing, but it's still change. and i'm not always good with it. issues with re-zoning the YWAM building and raising money to buy it. DTS coming back from 3 different outreach locations. no DTS in March. possibly heading home to NS for MissionsFest Halifax at the end of March. going from a house of 2 to a house of 5 girls again, when 3 roommates came back from NZ and Indonesia.
and a big one:
Rachel coming. Rachel going.
my beloved sister came to visit me for 9 days in the midst of February, and that was very lovely. the weather was sunny and warm, i got to see more of my beautiful city through Rachel's eyes, and many memories were made. lovely indeed. please view the following pictures to see just how lovely it was.
Rachel, as she discovers the beauty of the mountains on our way to church
mmm...S-bux. this is a bit of a tradition that we've started. well, this was only the second time we've done it, but i think it's fun.
we had a beautiful afternoon at Lynn Canyon, and...
Rachel overcame her crippling (ok, so maybe not that severe) fear of heights, and this is her
smiling on the suspension bridge! i'm so proud...
just thought i'd throw in a pic of myself, in one of my favorite places besides China: Chinatown.
aww...sisters. and icecream. what a great combination!
...and she fit in so well with my friends, Carla and Julia.
us, at Stanley Park, in our matching sweatpants. i wonder why people constantly stop and asked us if we are twins...?
was it truly lovely? yes. perfect? no. there are no pictures taken during small spats or emotional explosions.
yes, i was really glad to have her come, but i definitely had a hard time with the going back part.
also, i had really high expectations of our time together. basically, after a month of planning and dreaming of what we'd do, i envisioned perfection, and that was far from a realistic expectation. consequently, i was slightly grumpy and emotional, making for an unperfect time. we talked about it and i apologized for acting dumb, but it was not fun.
yet, it was a good visit. one that i do not wish was any different.
yes, it was difficult to completely ignore the fact that my earthly best friend would have to leave just a few days after arriving, but i was comforted in realizing that people can't make me happy, and i shouldn't put that expectation on them to do so. and this revelation allows me to find my hope of perfection in Jesus, the only One Who can fill me and complete me.
was this a messy realization? perhaps.
an even better question is this:
was it worth it?
and the answer?
heck yes.
and this is where i will leave my little random rant on change and how it has impacted me over the last while.
until next time...